Integrated marketing manager, brand storyteller & creative conduit based in Nashville, Tennessee.


  • Identity

    Navigating the development, collaboration, and formalization of a brand’s core creative expression.

  • Strategy

    Positioning brands, products, and campaigns from undeniable insights and validating creative choices with research, data analysis and reporting.

  • Creation

    Crafting quality briefs, producing standout work, meeting objectives and alleviating the burn.

Senior Marketing Manager → Hello Sunshine, Nashville, 2024 - present

Brand Marketing Manager → Hello Sunshine, Nashville, 2023-2024

Account Supervisor → Someoddpilot, Chicago, 2019-2023

Account Manager → Digitas, Chicago, 2017-2019

Global Account Executive → Ogilvy, Chicago, 2015-2017

Account Executive → Ogilvy, Chicago, 2014-2015

Assistant Account Executive → Ogilvy, Chicago, 2013-2014

Account Management, Intern → Ogilvy, Chicago, 2013
